


Traveling around the country

was always a lot of fun

There were always

interesting things going on

and often in

the most unexpected places


seeing the Dead

at River Bend Music Center

in California, Ohio

nearby Cincinnati

was one such occasion


I was hanging with Heads

from the state of Vermont

We had our Volkswagen bus

which is a cliché

 but at least a reliable one


We got a hotel room

at a Howard Johnsons

then we went to the show


After the show

we were hanging out

in the parking lot

and drinking a few beers


There were some kids

at the car next to us

Well, I was a week before20

So by young I mean maybe 18


They start talking to us

We were like heroes to them

It was unspoken but

they were like,

“Wow, real Deadheads.”


One girl was really cute

I was sitting on the seat

inside the minibus

She was sitting on the floor

of the bus

resting her elbows on my knees


Her blues eyes looked up

at me when I talked

I won’t enumerate the thoughts

running thru my mind


I hear one of my friends

Inviting these kids

to come back

to the hotel room and party


I look down

at this really cute girl

leaning on my knees

looking up at me


and I’m thinking,

“Forgive me Lord,

for I am about to sin.”


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saiom's picture

  Thank you for sharing that


Thank you for sharing that snapshot from your past



georgeschaefer's picture

thank you, it was a fun write

thank you, it was a fun write