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Give me attention,

so later I can say you led me on.

Tell me everything's fine,

so I can say you lied.

Be my strength now,

so when we fall apart,

I will fall harder than you did,

so I can use it against you.

And in the end,

when you ask me what's wrong,

the answer can be you, because you are an enabler in the basest form.

And when I move on to another,

surrounded by the stench of the inevitable,

hate me for everything,

so I can feel something again,

even if it's the pain of being dispised.

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allets's picture

Dispicable you

I guess self-analysis is a good thing...I'm prone to tell the chronic truth and have been accused of psychotic honesty...other than that, most other people i & I leave alone bcz they r trouble with a capital t..Lady A (Where are you?) I hope you are somewhere not being dissed.