
As we sat on a bench

I recalled your attraction

as though some misguided child had lost it while playing.

You reminded me of a dog without a master,

and hand without a pocket.

it seems all I did was think about Bright Eyes and

how you mistook Oberst for meaningful,

your personal Irvine Welsch,

when he was really being morose.

Moreover, I entertained the thought of you

one day seeing my face all over the country,

unable to escape the past I let go of.

Now I remember why I came back.

To say goodbye.

So goodbye, and good luck.

My false sympathy is with you

as you ruin yet another life

and pretend you were justified.

I've got what you will never have.

I've won. You've lost.

And now I'm free to love another unfettered.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A new one. After a tarot reading, rob unwittingly helped me let go of some anger I'd been holding onto. This is the result.

To Zac, take it as you will.

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Stunned By It All

Shocking, letting anger go in a Tarot reading - I've won. You've lost. So much energy, but I dig the tone, can't be angry allllll the time - Lady A