Betrayed Angels

They come from heaven to save us all

From ourselves, the worst of all

I see them in this place

So desolate, and full of hate

I wait for them to save their human

I wait for them to be humane

I ready my sword of fire and pain

I poise ready to kill them all

I move to make my strike

But I am shunned by their make

I float there, wondering what happens next

Realizing my endless fate

Awaiting my judgment in heaven

I see the man, who created me in this haven

I wonder why he is there?

And why I am here?

He looks at me with his fierce eyes and laughs

"You my boy are getting worse than me, darkness, and nothing!"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dont deal with the devil

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HEYLLO ERIC!!!! I lov the poems. i still have four or five left, but as god as muh witness i will read on!!lol kepp writing sweet pea!- Crazy Mofo-....(joah)