Crying Love

He loves me, he loves me not

These words will never be forgot.

I love him, he loves me not

These words will torment me

And shake my soul.

Finally I became used to the loneliness

Finally handling being alone

Finally stopped trying to be loved

And just to love myself!

Finally, when all was accomplished,

It was that very final day

You appeared.

You had been there before,

But this time you appeared

In a new way

A way that appeared more than friendly

You appeared to love,

My love.

I cry

You may be impossible.

The past

My past

Your past

These pasts prevent us.



As separates

Long for love.



As separates

Need love.



As one

Could be love.

I need your love

But now

All alone

I hope I appear to you

Not as your friend

But appear to you as love,

Your love.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this my junior year of high school.  Of course, it was for another boy.  So what!  I like boys!  ::smiles::

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vipervenomnu's picture

(Sigh)....I like this one. I wonder though, what happened to this one? Your style changes in mid course as if you are somehow made different by the one you speak of. I hope that he has not hurt you like all the rest seem to do. Although, I know he has. In these moments we often see things differently, but at the heart of all, the feelings tend to be the same.