With or Without You

The feel of your lips on my lips

Is but the sweetest kiss.

Your wandering hands make me laugh,

But also make me feel safe and warm.

Without you...

Rain doesn't quinch the lands thirst,

The sun doesn't brown people's skin,

The moon doesn't shine

Through the nights clouds,

Food doesn't nurish my body,

And everything becomes nothing more

Than dust catchers.

With you...

The starved are fed,

The poor become rich,

Wars turn into peace,

The polluted becomes clean,

And everything becomes right in the world.

This is why I am so glad I love you

And you love me too.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is about my first boyfriend I had for longer than two weeks, my first make-out session, and arguabley my first love.  Though he was never very nice to me, I never wished him ill-will.  Unfortunately, I didn't have to because he is now punishing himself more than I would have ever thought of doing.

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You are revealed with every word you say. You care and love more than anyone could ever imagine. I see my feelings and my thoughts in your words and I wish that I could have had the ability to express these feelings. You are beautiful in all you do and the world can see that. Just because they see it doesn’t mean they understand. This poem reminds me of Milley’s “ Love is not all; it is not meat nor drink.”