Dreams Are Bad?


You ever daydream about how drastically your life would change if everything you hoped for worked out





Money in the bank

Nice ride

a posh stride to saunter about town

Soulmate close by

Friends who reached out to you, respected your voice

Family happy, healthy, loving


I mean, WOW, right?


Course, I'm not delusional

everybody endures hardship, one way or another

builds character, so I've been told...


I had a vision, as most do, how it would all unfold

when reality didn't lock so tight

when opportunity was thrilling

not hot anxiety, persistent plight


Don't get me wrong

I'll bear down and take what's here seriously

..moreso than I may have done in the past

and I'll direct my eyes upon worthy sights

the innocence of a child who needs me around

the complexities of loved ones

and the sacrifices made to mold me

into somebody who could persevere though

oppression, rejection, financial strangulation - all the bullshit


No, don't get me wrong

I'm still fucking standing here

as Sting proclaims, a King of Pain

and I know they're proud either way

..but I wanted to have it all ..for them

I wanted to have so much I could support everybody I loved


An impossible quest, maybe?

childish in ambition, if anything...

purely Millennial, depending on whom you ask


Silverchair once sang,

"Dreams are bad when all they do is leave the truth behind"


..and I'm not sure


I have to ask myself if these daydreams

ail my malcontent,

or fuel it?


Is the solution to expect more?

Or should I expect nothing?

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allets's picture

"...the complexities of loved ones...

Sooooo...you've met my family AND WROTE ABOUT THEM. Good one!  ~A~



deepblue's picture

every family is a little

every family is a little crazy, aren't they? mine included...

allets's picture

You Love Em

Anyway. Perseverance is paramount, it gets better or not, bit you learn to develop mental muscle for the next catastrophe. ~A~ 



deepblue's picture

Absolutely, well said :) 

Absolutely, well said :)