
Why do i keep coming back?

though it hurts

everything you have put me through

all the pain

though i still love you 

even after all of that 

4 years have passed 

and nothing happens 

it just get worse

why dont i give up?

why do i keep going?

when your not there, i feel lost

without you there im lonely

maybe thats why i need you there

but in the end i should just give up

once and for all 

you call me yours but is that enough 

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nightlight1220's picture

It's all in the name.

It's all in the name. "Deathly pencil"....gotta love it. Go get a pen and write something that can't be erased.


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


allets's picture

Four Years?

Ooooooookay. Time to move on, I say. You're loyal, give you that. I'm practical I guess. ~Lady A~



Miss.Jenna's picture

so relatable..

I cant explain how much I relate.. my 'bf' just drove all the way to my house (an hour away) after I left him this morning,just to win me back... I said no 'cause I dont want it for myself because it only hurts us both; but everytime I look into his eyes.. I NEED HIM.. I love him.. I cant go... no matter how much I try to talk myself into it. great poem!! thanks for sharing.. It made my night soo much better :D

palewingedpoetess's picture

sounds like you have a person addiction more than anything....

love and addiction are two different things. Think about what love really is and try writing about that and see if that holds up to what you have with this person who keeps hurting you.I think you will find that is not love. Welcome to our big little community and thanks for sharing. I look forward to reading more of your work. Most Sincerely, Melissa Lundeen.