Tangent #6395


Tangent #6395

“You've labeled me insane, though I am the one who uses his brain.”

Dumbasses and I am surrounded by them. Everywhere I look, like a zombie plague. They speak yet say nothing, walk and go no where. How else would they accept their slavery so openly?
We are living in insane times. An epic tragedy of a dream we so willingly trashed because we grew lazy and ignorant. Huddled in a corner with your scraps, listening and believing what they tell you. As long as you do not have to think right? As long as you are distracted by meaningless entertainment that helps keep you lulled into that sedative trance, that false belief that you are actually free. I often see a vary real similarity between a Zoo and the human race as a whole.
You could be robbed blind, catch the thief red handed and still convince yourself otherwise. If it's not front page news it does not become worthy of your time. Going about your lives hopped up on legal speed, often walking over those you love or care about just to climb that ladder of success. God help those who stand in their way, an ego who has devoured their vary soul. It has become human nature, to reach the top at any means necessary right? When I look out across the ocean of the ignorant masses, the ones who at a whole manifest this reality we live in. All the bigots, and assholes of society who unknowingly projects this nasty corrupt vibration across open space. I see a sickness so grotesque that is the cancer of man and their arrogance could only be described as “insane” and yet I am the one who is labeled crazy. I want to believe there is still hope for us. That out of this storm heroes will rise up, then I find myself questioning if it is even worth saving anymore. Have we the self proclaimed smartest creatures in the galaxy manged to screw things up so bad we cannot fix it?

That old Stone;

Walking down the creek bed, I came across an old stone.
Reaching down I picked it up and wondered what it has known.
Has it seen tragedy? Has it seen creation?
Does it even know the beauty to behold the setting of the sun?
That old stone, oh the secrets it has known.

Time has a way of reminding us of our failures,
the mistakes and regrets that scar for our troubles.
To live in the moment, to forget for a moment
that this old stone is simply a rock. What if it could talk
what would it say? To have known every day?

I take that old stone and skip it across the water,
and once again my mind begins to wonder.
If for only a moment in time,
moving forward leaving it all behind.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I know I retired my "Tangents" a while back ago, however this one has been brewing up for awhile now. So I've decided to dust off the folder and create one more! I know I could have put it under my "Discourse" (the bastard child of my Tangents) however as choppy and raw as this piece is, it deserves to be a Tangent for it hits home on a few subjects that have been bothering me a lot..... Hope you enjoy and as always love to hear feedback!!

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