Deceiving December Dream


-I had a dream last night,

You were in that dream-

...We were carelessly walking through Central Park,

Our paces no faster than the beating of our hibernating hearts,

Letting the gentle breeze blow us away into the welcoming night,

Inviting the falling leaves and snow to join our journey on this utopia of a dimly lit sidewalk.

My right hand was occupied holding your left, and my left hand was practicing the fine art of wiping tears of joy from one's own eye.

Gentle kisses and hopeless wishes,

Like "Be by my side for tonight and forever."

Laughing, singing, dancing, playing, breathing, and loving...but more importantly...lying on this deceiving December night.

Our bodies were as flexible and numb as our mechanical minds,

Keeping our frigid hearts toasty warm for the calm before the storm.

We intertwined, wrapping ourselves together in a cocoon,

Your blue-gray eyes sparkle and catch the glow of the Cold Moon.

Little white lies fall in-between little white lines in my cracked heart and the cracked pavement below,

Too oblivious to realize that these white flakes falling from the sky was more than just snow.

Reality knew all along that this was a vision of my deepest desires and nothing more,

But with my eyes wired shut, this night was perfect; more than I could ever ask for...

-I lived a nightmare this morning,

You were nowhere to be found-

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I LOVED IT :*) .