

I'll miss you all

Each and every one

I'll miss the way you guys laugh

And your silly phone calls.

I'll think of you everyday I'm away

With tender and loving care

I'll wonder how you're all doing---

How you're doing without me there

I'll wonder if he or she is still depressed

Or if so and so made up

I'll wonder if you're all okay

If miko's still obsessed ^^;

I'll wonder if him and her are still in love

Or did they just break up?

I'll wonder if Kenshin stopped (drinking)

Or is he still f-ed up?

I'll hope you all miss me

As much as I miss you

And yes, Legolas, you love me

And I love you too.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a poem I never got a chance to post because I left the morning after I wrote it. This was for when I went away for a week to OBX, NC (Corolla)

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poetvg's picture

i love this poem
it is so very beautiful

Kelly Koontz's picture

I always wonder why i wasn't mentioned in anything..Oh well..I'll get over it..I always do..