A Dream


Maybe I'm

Just living a lie

And one day

I'll wake up from this nightmare

Too many problems, too many thoughts

Swimming in my head

I've lost sense of reality--

The point of no return.

The thin line between real and fake,

Has been broken.

My eyes slip shut

and darkness comes

I'm alone once again.

My wings have been broken,

My tears - dried-

My memory: blank

Now I am no more

Just a thought, maybe not even-


A dream.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A poem I wrote when I was depressed.

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Jeff C's picture

This is how I always think of myself every day whenever all my friends are gone. Who would be left to turn to, my answer would pretty much be nobody. It's strange in a way that after a certain time, you get used to being lonely that no one should ever come close to you. This is a nice poem which I'd never forget.

poetvg's picture


singmoriah's picture

This written so well to the way I'm feeling. I keep hoping my life here at home is just a bad dream I'll get out of eventually. I hope you too can get out. Keep writing, it helps not only yourself but others like me.