
Cowboys and Indians.

Sounds like child play.

Sell the figures at the local shop.

Kindly forgotten how we scalped, raped and stole.

Deserved of torture?


For situation reversed:

would they have degraded, murdered and cursed?

Human nature.

Advise you not to wager who is the better race.

Black, white, European or Asian:

We all came from the same place.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote it when I was listening to Will Smith. Could explain the crapness... o_0

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Jeff's picture

Too bad everybody doesn't think this way :(

Dean Devlin's picture

Now this I absolutley love, I've just printed it off and stuck (stook?) it to the back of my bedroom door. I hope you don't mind that. I am very very firmly set in my beliefs of equality but never got to thinking about writing a poem about it, I can proudly say you've inspired me to do so. I shall post a link in my next critique.

Kris Grula's picture

you shock, entertain, and teach... I experience your work to be like taking peyote before sex, which I haven't done, but can imagine...