Untangled love.

Live on through the worlds weight,

strong as thick roots of love,

don't have any reason to worry,

all I ever wanted was him and I got him.


I been wishin' pawn a star and it landed,

bright and firey with shades of beauty,

waiting apon that star to come home,

snuck up on me and scared me to tears.


Holding him so tight of fear to never let him go,

had him for 6 years and nothing to be afraid of,

he'll stay because that beautiful star loves me back,

never worried I'll be left lonely again, ever.


Love you Sweetie. <3 Shining brighter than ever with me by your side. <3

a.griffiths57's picture

Untangled love:



Lovely love poem, very sweet, a good read.




boardergirl's picture


Thank you.
