The Last Breath

The last breath.




Time passed by, while “Cronos” the lion king was sleeping. The rest of the animals where no longer living in peace, chaos was at order.


As the earth got colder and darker, the animals begin to separate from each other. The atmosphere became thick and gray.




Conflicts and fights where everywhere, the animals had no time to work peacefully and amicably. They fought for food, water and livelihoods and at the shore of a Lake, two angry bears fought over a couple of fish.


-This is my land get out of my sight. –Said one to the other.




And so the fight begun and it continued for a few hours. They didn’t reach any agreement.




Like the bears, other animals were also fighting. Birds protected their nests of invaders without thinking that other birds needed the same trees for shelter.




Fishes, dears, rodent and all kinds of animals where unhappy and tired but still they fought day after day, things didn’t change. The volume of their voices increased significantly until it reached Cronos ear.


In his sleep he started hearing their voices and so he awaked.


The lion king realized what was happening and so he command a hearing, he would tried with all his power to arrange the conflicts.  


He may be sick and old, but he was still the king.




 With the help of his servants, Cronos announced this hearing. It was suppose to be executed immediately but everyone was busy doing their things they didn’t realized the king was awake and needed them to listen to his words.


Of all the animals in the world, nobody went. Everyone was wrapped in their own business so no one listened to Cronos. He stayed alone in the audience waiting for someone to appear.




This made the king really sad and confused. He realized he needed to approach the others so they could hear what he had to say.


And so he did, he came near the bears that were fighting at the beginning of the story. He helped them finding more food so they could share it between them. But they continue with their fight and didn’t listen much to Cronos.


This happened again and again and again.




The lion got sick and nobody found out about it until it was too late. The noise coming from the conflicts and the angry atmosphere only made it worse. Cronos was ill and incredibly sad.


He wanted someone to give his power and leave the throne to. But nobody was there, and with his last breath the earth crumbled.


Darkness filled the world.


It all ended because nobody was able to listen to Cronos and stop being selfish with his own lives. If the would have listened to each other, perhaps things would turn out differently.


It wasn’t Cronos sickness what killed the world. It was selfishness and stubbornness.


























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nightlight1220's picture

This is so good. I agree with

This is so good. I agree with Diamond. Heart to heart communication is gravely lacking, and now peopke can't even barely communicate effectively anymore about the small things. I see it in some workplaces, and am so grateful for my own job.


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Diamond_Wills_New_War's picture

Sounds about right...sadly.

Sounds about right...sadly. That was an excellent parable for the world we live in. Brilliant, worthy of comparison to Mark Twain.

Long days and pleasant nights


a.griffiths57's picture

Last Breath:


I enjoyed your poem/tale very much. Like the animals we fight and scirmish too, all very sad. To have answers to our problems would help, but all seems to much chaos. An enjoyable tale that I found very interesting.