
Inevitability both scares me and thrills me

The unknowing of your boundless destiny.

I long to be mysterious and there's nothing

More mysterious than inevitability.

Because, yes, something is bound to happen;

But what is that something?

The suspense kills me...


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a.griffiths57's picture

    Hope your eagerness to



Hope your eagerness to know lives up to it's expectations. Nice read.

hopelessly-candid's picture

hmmm I found this to be quite

hmmm I found this to be quite interesting... to take pleasure in the inescapable... I appreciate how you structured this to be equally as exciting in the mood as the theme... something rather sexy about it haha ^_^

annalizzzzz's picture

Thanks so much, I'm glad you

Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it!

allets's picture

I Liked The Poem Too

Welcome to postpoems ~allets~