Pam Schwetz


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I don't really think I am a witch but I found it interesting the way their spells rhymed and the cadence they had just like poetry. Well they are poetry really. Rhyming lines with cadence... I do think poetry is magical though. Different people read it and read into it different things. That is pretty magical. Like everybody gets their own message from it whatever makes sense to them. It's pretty cool. #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #Day21

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

This came to me while listening to an online health summit and reading an ebook at the same can you possibly get anything out of either doing both at the same time? I often listen to summits while doing other stuff online and wonder how much of that info is actually absorbed. It would be nice to at least try to do one thing at a time and really be in the moment and enjoy whatever it is I am doing rather than all this multitasking that most seem to do these days...a lot less stressful too. I am gonna attempt it and see what happens. It won't be easy. Old habits die hard... #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #Day20


Author's Notes/Comments: 

just some food for thought today...#NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #Day19

Do You

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was looking through poetry prompts for this month and came across writing a poem about change so this is my take on that prompt... #NationalPoetryMonth, #NaPoMo, #PoemADay, #April2021, #Day18

I for one am not particularly crazy about change. I like to feel comfortable in familiar surroundings...but life is all about change...things change everyday...just gotta go with the flow you know...the only thing constant in life is change...I know I wrote a poem about that once...ha ha

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No Matter What

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by being misunderstood the other day. Poetry is a good way to get some feelings out instead of keeping them bottled up inside. We all go through this kinda stuff. Sometimes it can be rough... NaPoMo, NationalPoetryMonth, PoemADay, April2021, Day17


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was inspired by a tweet that was twisted by some idiot and had a bunch of other idiots reading into that...crazy stuff...had to mute the conversation. I debated about deleting my original tweet but then thought I would rather leave it as is so maybe somebody might actually read what I said and realize it wasn't me but some twisted idiot that misquoted me. I can't imagine what it is like for celebrities constantly being attacked by stupid stuff like that. I guess you just have to tune it out.I am sure everyone is misunderstood at some point and it's no fun.  At least it inspired a poem I guess. Ended up deleting and blocking. Frustrating stuff but inspired this poem and one more for tomorrow so some good came out of it. #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #April2021 #PoemADay #Day 16 about six hours early but who's counting?

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It's Up to Me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

#NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #April2021 #PoemADay #Day15 Not really sure what inspired this for thought

Partly Cloudy

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's only 7 AM so not too light outside yet when I wrote usually seems brighter later in the day even on partly cloudy days the sun manages to peek out... #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #Day14

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was listening to a new instrumental I did last night called Heavenly and it inspired this poem for day 13. I really miss the stars at night! You can listen to it on YouTube and read the poem along with it to enjoy the full sense of it...

The most magnificent display of stars I ever saw was in a field in Little Rock Arkansas back in the 80s. I flew to Dallas,Texas to see one of my best friend's college and join her on her road trip home back to Chicago. We stayed with her sister a few days in Little Rock and that is where the magnificent stars were. It was pitch black at night there you needed a flashlight to walk around and see. We laid down in a field and looked up at the stars. They were huge and you could see them all...felt like you could reach up and touch them so close. We had a constellations book with us and were trying to find all the different constellations cuz they were all in full view...that night a huge orange harvest moon rose up from the road too. It was amazing and incredible. I am glad to have those memories and be able to picture it. I used to be able to see the stars in Chicago too. They were farther away but I could see lots of them. I knew the big dipper and little dipper so saw those every night but didn't know lots of the other constellations. Could see a lot of stars back then. Why did they have to change the lighting? Now I can only see the  moon and occasionally a nearby planet or two when they are visible at certain times of the year that look like stars...I should be greatful I can still see the moon I guess but I really miss the stars. They need to change the lights back to the way they were when we could see the stars cuz I miss them very much. #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #Day13 #April2021

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