
My Guardian Angel

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem came to me today but it is for tomorrow's poem a day for this National Poetry Month but I already lost it once this morning and do not want to lose it again so am posting it a day early to be sure not to lose know how elusive these things can be...I am surprised I remembered it when I couldn't find it...good thing it was still fresh in my mind...I have said a guardian angel prayer for many years and it has never failed me...a big thanks to my guardian angel...Dear angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love entrust me here, ever this day be at my side to watch and guard to rule and guide... #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #Day11 a day early...I want it to be on day 11 cuz of the whole 11:11 thing...I see that a lot and have been seeing it for a very long time...I remember back to the 80s when I first started noticing it...a sign from the Angels you are on the right path...

Trust Your Intuition

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It is funny that intuition is being called to my attention again...I had to check and see i already wrote a poem concerning intuition and yet it wants to be heard again so I is a very important piece of wisdom to share for sure...anytime I ignored my intuition I didn't like the consequences so trust it even if it feels weird or doesn't make sense at the time just learn to trust it always. It will never steer you wrong... #NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #April2021 #PoemADay #Day10 

Morning Dew

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Nature inspires so much poetry. I can see the dew and smell it and feel that sweet morning dampness and's incredible... #NaPoMo, #NationalPoetryMonth, #PoemADay, #April2021, #Day9


Author's Notes/Comments: 

My coffee was brewing as I wrote this poem so it inspired me this morning...never know where inspiration might come from. #NationalPoetryMonth, #NaPoMo, #PoemADay, #Day8 #April2021

Rabbit Hole

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just sharing my poem for day 7 of National Poetry Month April 2021

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Word Trip

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Woke up around midnight to write this poem for day six of National Poetry Month April 2021...

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A Gentle Rain

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Woke up to the pitter patter of a gentle rain on my window pane that inspired this poem today...

NaPoMo, NationalPoetryMonth,PoemADay,April2021

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

#NaPoMo #NationalPoetryMonth #PoemADay #April2021 #day4 It's always nice to see the sunshine so it inspired my short poem for day four. Trying to distract myself from the fact my husband died on this date 7 years ago...hard to believe how fast time flies...sunshine is a great distraction...always lifts my mood. Happy Easter!

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Poetry Writing

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's day three already of National Poetry Month...doing a poem a day...looked at a couple of was about communication and another was What I'm trying to say...this sort of fits those categories...communicating what poetry writing is like...