A floating Soul

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Cooney's picture
Joined: 2011/05/21

A soul,

Floating lifeless and alone, drowned to the world that surrounds him.

Alone in the ocean, a dark place.

He sees other souls floating around, all the same as him.

Souls floating in a black abyss.

He’s met other souls before, but they all seem to be preoccupied.

They all have a destination, He is lost.

A friendly soul floats over too him and pushes him.

Pushes him above the water, his eyes are opened.

A world full oppurtunity.

The moon is casting a bright white glow over the city,

orange streetlights glistening the road.

The yellow glow of lights from the top of skyscrapers.

Souls bumbling around minding their business all around.

A world with infinite possibility.

A soul greets him as he emerges and shows him the way to the city.

And the sun rises.

Cooney's picture
Joined: 2011/05/21
Thank you that really means

Thank you that really means alot :) and you decribed just what i was trying to capture.