Abandonment: Contemplated

Ashen feet trodded the broken dirt

That crumbled in a hand so sweet.

Dust crept into the tonails

Of those weary naked feet.

The wind moaned an eeire chant

Through the scraggled limbs of trees.

Hallowed branches lurched back and forth

In that gusting breeze.

The feet of one who had never laid eyes

On those roads of toil before,

But had the burden of one who

Had traveled there a thousand score.

But for the howling wind

No sign of life existed there.

The lonliest of paths is that one alone,

And the hardest to bear.

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Alyssa Jones's picture

This poem is deep and with great emotions!

Vanessa Drake's picture

your poem...i love it...my limits of my love to this poem is my understandings...so keep up the good work...and keep holding down dat name....drake....vanessa

TREXPATTON's picture

God ! ! ! ! Are you SURE you are only 19 ! ! ! !
For your heart bears emotions, and expresses them like a very mature woman ! ! ! Give us more of yourself ! ! Teddy

"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !