Dropped Off

I found something today

that really broke my  heart.

Someone had dropped two dogs off

at an old graveyard.

A young dog and her daddy

in their eyes I saw a pled.

Please don't leave us here

so I put them in the car with me.

My sister lived close by

so to her house I went.

She gave them food ,water and petting

and they seemed so content.

They are what I call wienie dogs

short legs and kinda long.

How could anybody drop off these dogs

and think they've done no wrong???

I just hope they wandered off

and got lost along the way.

And someone out there wants them back

for their children to have and play.

But if thats not the case

and you did drop them off.

May GOD drop you off in hell

and your soul always be lost..........

True story,and true feelings,,,,,



Thursday, January 04, 2007

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