Cornbread and Beans

Cornbread and beans

may be all we had to eat.

But at that supper table

our whole family would meet.

We did'nt talk of hard times

to us there was none.

For around this table was family

and as a family we were one.

Around this supper table

each talked of hopes and dreams.

And we all listend closely

while eating cornbread and beans.

Even at Thanksgiving

a turkey was never seen.

The meat was fried rabbit

and cornbread and beans.

To us it did'nt matter

for around this table we could still meet

And to us that was the Blessing

the meal did'nt have to be a feast.

Now some 40 years later

I can close my eyes and see

The whole family around that table

eating cornbread and beans.....

Buren Poole (withpen_inhand)


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Some memories never fade

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