Anthills Come and Anthills Go

Spent years honing my skills
Sharping this feather's quill
With tears and wishes
Fears and way too many what-if's
And, far too few what-would-it-hurt's

I guess you learn as you live
I guess that's how it is
You walk through life and give it your best
You die in a bed surroundded by those you love
When you're old and if your lucky

Anthills become mountains
That slowly erode into meadows
That fill with rivers of melted snow
That etch even further into stone
Then disappear when the sun's exposed

It rained last night
Funny, that's the thing I remember
But, I guess that's why
This morning seems so much sweeter
Standing in the light of the sun's flame

I guess you learn as you hurt
I guess that's the way it works
You walk through darkness and pray like hell
You hope even as other's say hope is for the hopeless
But, maybe that's the reason it all

Anthills come and anthills go
Problems arise and problems erode
So is life, I've come to know

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