
Trisha Hopkins

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East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

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What I want you to know about me...


I'm a poet who cant wait to be discovered. I love to write. Poetry is a window to my feelings and helps me cope. without it i think I'd go mad with all the feelings trapped inside my mind. This is the only way i can show how i truly feel. Instead of a letter to someone i write a poem to explain on what I'm trying to say. I have about 400 poems and counting. It may take awhile to get them all on here but i will keep at it promise. I write what i feel. its the best way to get my feelings out instead of keeping them bottled up inside. love very much. I love to listen to music except the kind where there is just yelling that gives me a headache. I've been published from poetry. com and a few others. if you"d like to know more feel free to ask me. Please enjoy my work and please comment as much as you can. tell me what you liked and what you didn't so i can become better at my work.
Hi everyone this is my BIO of of my poetry site. My name is Trisha Barrek-now Hopkins ... I have been writing my poetry since 1991/92. Not only do i love to write poetry i also like being creative with my mind on creating different things but that's a whole different subject. Since 1991/92 i have written about or over 400 poems. They all range from okay to pretty good to all out awesome and there are some when I re read I ask my self "How did i ever think of that?" i also have some on poetry.com. I have 2 poems published by poetry.com. My first poem was published when I was in 12th grade in my Creative writing class. If you would like to know more just leave me a message. Please feel free to be honest on what you think because that is how my work will approve. I went to Middle Smithfield Elementary from the grades K-5th, then to JT Lambert for the grades 6-8th,JS Bunnel for 9th grade and East Stroudsburg High for 10-12th grade all located in Bushkill and East Stroudsburg Pennsylvania. School was alright but i loved going to Monroe County Area Vocational-Technical School aka Vo-Tech for Culinary but would like to pursue Pastry Arts for Deserts. I also want to open a NO-KILL shelter for all those defenseless animals that don't have a voice. My Favorite poems so far would have to be 1)Noway Out, 2)You'll Never Walk Alone , 3)The Day You Begin To Live (this poem stills amuses me on how i came up with it because if you think about it and really read it the first day you begin to live is actually the very first day you begin to die because your beginning to live your life out.), 4)Why Can't I Have You( This one is to a very special person, my sweetheart, my best friend who I've known since high school and will always love with all my heart no matter what I will always have him in my heart, 5)Nothing Lasts Forever, 6)To My Kitty Cat(this one is dedicated to my special Kitty cat that I adopted from my job at Resorts USA Tree Tops pool. He was my mascot for that pool. Tops would keep me company for the hours i worked until I went home. I wish I could of brought him home but my other cats would get mad at me n not like a new cat in their home lol but I will never forget that cat. he stayed with me until I left the job n the best part he wouldn't go to n e one but me. 7)The Day The Angels Cried( this poem is dedicated to those that lost family n friends on 9/11. All my poems are my favorite but I am still deciding from over 400 poems so i may change my mind from time to time on which I like the best. My poetry to me is very special and very helpful. It has helped me through out the years of growing up. It kept me sane on days i felt like i was going to lose control and made me release stress when I wanted to cry. But most of all it made into the person i am today. I don't take things for granted and i try to live my life the best way i can. I will always have this talent for writing even if people disagree or try putting me down saying poetry will get me no where well when i first started with "Winter Is" on the year 1991/92 i would never believe that i have over 400 poems and some published. well I prove those that didn't believe in me wrong and I'm still creating more poetry and I always will. I will one day soon have my first book out for all to see so keep a look out and make sure you get a book. I also have 3 more reason to express the way I feel: my daughters Totteaanna'Taylor and Shaniya MacKenzie and Derrick Mann He is the love of my life and my high school sweetheart. we lost contact with each other for about 13 yrs and just found each other about 2 yrs ago. We are so happy we found each other again and don't plan on letting go again. Make sure to keep a look out for poems about them in the future. Tott just turned 13 Her B day is January-26-2002 and she was 6lbs 1oz.when she was born. and Shaniya MacKenzie just turned 10 years old n her b day is on February-24th- 2005 at 11:01am n was 7lbs 1 oz. We are so happy for her gift of her life as much as we are with Totteaanna. I love them both of my girls n would do whatever it takes to keep them safe n protected by the craziness of the world...and from people trying to force things on them so yeah karma has this thing where it comes back at you and bites you so n e one that wants to mess with my kids should think twice before doing so... If you would like to know more just pm me and i will be happy to reply. make sure you comment please

About My Navel

its an innie round and decorated with jewelery. and very clean lol :-)

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Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

R.L.Stien, Edgar Allen Poe, Judy Blume,Nicholas Sparks,Robert Frost,and lots more
"Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty"
Take each day one at a time
poetry and short stories
Three Days Grace, Taylor swift,and more
I love to fish,horseback riding,swim,roller skating,spend time with my daughters,and more (when i think of it ill write it down lol)


Member for
10 years 3 days