

Sometimes, I tune in so deep, going down my spine,
in time, til I'm little, then back further in time, in utero,
then even before that.  I, metaphorically, open a door
that appears, only to find I am envisioning a worm!
Good Lord! I say.
Why a worm? What does a worm do? Eat, defecate, eat,
defecate. What does it experience? Gimme, gimme, gimme.
How does it move? Reactively.
So, I say, that's what I am, au fond? (at bottom)
No wonder I have trouble in life.

Wait! I'm told. Where is the woman in you that loves
worms?....saves them from death-by-pavement?
This part loves worms.

So are you the worm, or are you the lover of the worm?


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Clever. I'd open a wormhole - it's a sci-fi motif.