Bad Friend

I’m a bad friend...

But you always forgive…

Without you, I don’t think I could ever live

I need you there for me each and every day

Otherwise I don’t think there is any other way…

For me to keep everything straight.

I know I keep messing up

But I want you to know it’s me you can trust

I will never hurt you, or  talk behind your back

I’ll stand up for you.. like I always do

Girl you’re my best friend

And I need you til the end…

Please don’t hate me or think that I’m untrue

Because if you do

My tears will never stop comin thro

You mean more than you think to me…

And I promise that’s how it will always be…

Girl I love you

I never want you to be blue

I want you to be happy, just like I always do

I’ll try harder not to mess things up

Cuzz without ya my life is fucked..

Sweetest dreams to you tonight…

And I pray to god we’ll resolve this fight…

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Cattie's picture

hey girl...aubrey is right, u could never be a bad friend. i know this poem is about irina but i dont think ur a bad friend to her either. its really good. it made me cry!! lol. keep writing

Aubs's picture

Girl your my best friend! You could never be a bad friend lol

Irina K's picture

its bout me! or at least u said it was :-P we resolved it. -best friends are like butt cheeks.they come together after all the crap unless a dick gets between them-