The Her

I need help.. can you hear me? I SAID I need help! am I too much of sinner for you to hear me?


Do you see me? I need help.. it's cold..I'm cold..I can't feel anything and it hurts.. the void the bottomless senseless ever growing void,it hurts, it hurts because I feel soo much that I feel nothing..the emotional strain is too big a cross to bear.. my soul is waining, yes it is, I know it.


I'm me and then I'm not me..I'm her..she sees blood,revenge,her spite is unmatched, her thoughts..oh her thoughts they make me weep..I say stop..wait is that I really want my mother's blood to pool around my bathe in her blood..the warmth of it..her unattainable love.. and SHE the her that's not me,she says'll feel better..just do it we can write a God a letter.


That's not me,it's's not. My tears,my warm tears.. they drop like fallen angels dropped from the Grace of God.. why,why,why did they fall.. I asked them not to drop from the levees of my eyes—they disobeyed me to ease my they are cast off again and again,I hold this knife..WAIT!!! No, no, Shh it's just a pen..Oh no not her thoughts..her thoughts again.. DO YOU HEAR ME!?... please I need help.. —please.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

 If pain lets you know you're alive, what happens when you feel nothing..

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Hang In There

Help is on the way. 1 - nothing, 2 - nope, 3 - nada - Help is on the way tomorrow. (Just smile more and think less - do simple things that do not require deep thought or undertstanding) then make someting with your hands - cookies, paint - something you can control. That's what I do. Be well ~Lady A~