Transcendence (And Body Politic)


Transcendence (And Body Politic)




Her guises were stripped off

Like paint;


I had wondered where she could 

have gotten to—to act like a saint


The earthquakes have multiple meanings, after all:


There are moments of truth. 

But our attitudes, in facing them, such are several.


Why should we try to act on certain

situations, just to make us huge?


Her views of change mattered to

me, for lacking subterfuge


'Tis so raw, so fresh, 

so debilitatingly godly


When fake media is stressed, let all

disdain blasphemy.


Are we just spirits in human bodies,—

in the physicality?—



For, when— it makes it clear,

our true selves gather up

a multitudes' spirituality!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(Reedited hashtags, by adding only the following key words:  Foucault, biopwer, body politic),

"Transcendence (And Body Politic)", w/c is also an affected poem, previously titled "Transcendence", is a repost from my Twitter platform (inevitably composed on April 29, 2017/at around "06:58"...based from the deemed quirky causes & that perhaps had sprung from thoughts of a possible love interest (rather assumptive [on my part] & my motivations were unclear; thus, a type of a poem like this was done).  Also, I had edited this version (a little bit by modifying the use of punctuation marks & perhaps the stanzas/form, those were minor tweaks).