Prepare for Storms

People are like storms

They come so easily

They seem so nice

And yet they still deceive us with lies


We see it coming

The big grey cloud

Just shrug it off

It can’t effect us… Can it?


And it does

Way more than we think

It breaks us and hurts us

And fills us with hate


How did we not see it coming?

It was so oblivious

Now its windy and rainy

And we feel so ignorant


We could’ve seen it

It was right in front of us

How didn’t we notice it?

Maybe because the vast world surrounds us


But certain people prepare

They see the cloud

And expect the worst

And somehow

They end don’t end up hurt


They emerge victorious

Standing proud and tall

And watch as that small cloud passes

Because they know they’re ready for anything 


I am ready for anything

And I can also note

Friends are temporary

Even family is temporary

But enduring the worlds pain


Is something that stays

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Two-Sided Endurance

Endurance of the world's beauty and love and hope also own a certain permanence - it keeps rising; a testament to human resilience as in "The Book Thief". The petrie dish is getting crowded and the middle class is being devoured. Historically, such are the evolutionary outcomes of empires and civilizations.
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