God Loves You, & He Is Saying.......

My Daughter, be Strong;

because of My Grace you are lovely in YOUR grace;

because of My Strength you are lovely in your sensitivity;

because of My Care you are lovely in YOUR strengths;

because you are My Creation you are lovely in your femininity;

because of My Will you are lovely in your weaknesses.

My Daughter, be Joyous;

I know WHO you are, & WHERE you are, & WHY you are : MINE!

you are somewhere that someone else will be, sometime,

and I am with you right NOW!  EVEN   N O W !!;

you are GOING to be where someone else will need you to be, eventually,

and I am going to be with you then, too.

My Daughter, be Confident;

I am going to use ALL of you: your past, your now, your tomorrow----

even some things that you are NOT, yet----My Plans are prepared already,

and My Plan for you is ONLY good for you.

My Daughter, be Faithful;

I will NEVER leave you all alone:

you will always have Me....and more than this,

you have My other children; call them Friends.

Yes, you may FEEL lonely, sometimes, and even lonelier

when it seems you cannot find your friend,

but friends WILL come to you and find you.

When your friends find you, you will find yourself in them.

As they comfort you, they wil find themselves comforted;

as they bring you towards healing,

they will find themselves being healed.

This is My Ancient Promise to all My Children:

Love each other, and I will Love you.

My Love never ends, and My children love their friends.

My daughter, be Sure;

I know your loneliness.  My Heart beats, and breaks along-side yours;

I know your deepest yearnings, I feel your sweetest longings;

I've always been with you; you've never been forsaken or lost,

I have never left you really all alone: I ALWAYS KNEW YOU.

I love you.  I'm always near. I'm always listening, & smiling.

I'll send this sign

in the darkest time:

when you hear a bird,

it is Me you've heard;

& when to Me a bird sings,

your Thanks is what it brings!


   Abba, Daddy,

your Father in Heaven.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just some sincere encouragement for my Sisters, in stress. You may never know who you are, but I love you, and God does, too.

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Lesa Gay's picture

Truly beautiful my good friend. This probaly speaks to many but seemed to speak especially to me this morning. Thanks for the encouragement and the reminder.


Lesa Gay's picture

Thank you for this! It was if you were speaking directly to me and yes, I have heard the message of hope, felt the feelings of friendship, and have found the faith that had been pushed aside for far too long.

This is beautiful and I will reread it over and over again for the inspiration it holds.
