What About Me?

Today is a day

A day of days

I ponder my past

And my present ways

I wonder why

I've done what I've done

Why I do what I do

And still follow through

Is it really worth

The effort I make

To give and to give

And never to take

I ask these questions

I've asked them before

Yet I keep marching on

I keep doing more

Trying my best

To do what is right

To be a good man

And never lose sight

But how can it be

That I've helped so many

Yet I still feel alone

Amongst friends o'pplenty

This makes me think

And it makes me cry

Till I run out of tears

And I just sit and Sigh

I've done what I've done

And I do what I do

Yet who will help "me"

When I need it to

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Feelings on a bad day

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zb's picture

i so can relate to this one.. it reminds me of a line in a friend of mine's poem "better for me or better for you?" -- you should read his poems, Andrew Krueger.

Leuretta's picture

Hey, I really liked that poem!! The wayyou said everything just reminds me sooo much of whats goin on in my life right now... I have streched myself out so far, every one is always leaning on my taking me for advantage and I hardly get even a thanks, and when I get stressed and just need to talk to someone, or even a few simple favors, it sure seems if no one is there.Any ways... You have some good poems!