A poem about my friend.

  When I  walk you walk with me...

Everytime I turn we are face to face...

In the night you watch over me...

In the morning you are always there to say good morning my son.

As I walk to school you walk by my side...

When I feel scared you always calm my soul...

You always walk with me untill the end of time.

You made a promise you said I shall never forsake you nor leave you.

So thank you my friend for being there always

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To express how much I love this friend. Can anyone guess who this friend is. I give you a clue. He said I will never leave you nor forsake you.????????????????????????? Jesus (GOD)

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poetvg's picture


Trixie Love's picture

Beautiful inspirational write...
Wonderful dedication to our Lord...

Trixie :)

exthias1983's picture

hey man i really liked this one...keep up the good work for God!!!! JESUS FREAKS RULE!!!!