The Passage of Time

I feel weak.
I see them,
They make books,
And make songs,
And make shows.
But I don't,
I am weak.
I can do
But I am
By the others,
By their awing
I am dull,
Dulled by them.
As such I
Sit down and
Watch their own
I am very. 
So very dead.
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Anretsuhn's picture

Yeeah... Well..

Could I even have explained the way I feel at times as you have just now? I identify this poem as that feeling. I beleive I have felt the feeling. I also beleive the spell-check on this site really sucks.



Timeful's picture

I believe that I believe that

I believe that I believe that what you believe is very believeable, but that is a belief, not a fact, so I do not believe that your belief is true. But I believe that I belive in your belief.

post multa malae accidunt, bonae accidere potest. 

PudinsHeart1's picture


Cold. I have felt that way


Timeful's picture

Did my work make you feel

Did my work make you feel that way Pudin?

post multa malae accidunt, bonae accidere potest. 

allets's picture

Fleetingly When Younger

and occasionally at age 66, but it is harder to awe and harder still to subdue or oppress. It grows away in time. Cool topic, well composed and presented. Like it lots - slc



Timeful's picture

Thank you. My work is only as

Thank you. My work is only as good as it is because I make that which I deem to be the truth represented in my work. If there are any irregularities, call it an amateur's mistake, English is not my strongpoint. 

post multa malae accidunt, bonae accidere potest.