The Attack of The Killer Leaves

Story ideas

Celia and Gail waited in line to get on the bus to go home. Bus 04 always took forever to load up the students, since their bus driver, Mrs. Snitchmin, had to look at everybody's bus pass, and compare the picture of the student to the actual student's face. This could take up to 15 minutes of waiting, just to get on the bus. To pass the time, Celia and Gail had a game that they played. They would look at someone and make a story up about them: details about who they were, where they lived, what job they had, etc. Gail nudged Celia with her elbow and motioned to a man in buisness suit who was walking out of the school.
"Celia, see that white man in that buisness suit? The one who just walked out of the school?" Gail asked.
"Yea. What about him?" Celia responded as they moved forward a step in line.
"Okay, so he is a secret agent for the FBI. He has one child, who is 6, and the kid's name is Willbert, but he goes by Will. The man's name is John, and he is 45 years old. He is way up high in the FBI organization, and has a private helicopter, a private boat, and a private jet. He lives in a humungo house on a secret street called dump street, which people never go down because they see dump trucks go back there. There is a sign at the entrance of the street that says 'Danger: Dumping area. Enter at your own risk' and everyone avoids there because it does smell like a dump area." Gail said, staring out into the distance as she saw the idea in her mind's eye. Celia smirked, and guided Gail forward another few steps.
"NEXT!" Mrs. Snitchmin yelled. It was Celia's turn to get the "treatment". Gail, apparently having finished imagining the idea, patted Celia's back encouragingly, as Celia took her bus pass out.
"Bus pass!" Mrs. Snitchmin screetched, everyone on the bus winced in pain. Quickly, Celia stepped forward and handed her bus pass to Mrs.Snitchmin.
"So. It's Celia Bray, is it now?" Mrs. Snitchmin asked.
"Yes ma'am." Celia said, hoping that Mrs. Snitchmin would hurry it up. Celia didn't like to be watched by everyone on the bus during Mrs. Snitchmin's inspection. She wasn't very outgoing, and this kind of stuff scared the stuffing out of her! Mrs. Snitchmin studdied Celia's bus pass for a whole minute before looking up at Celia.
"Your hair isn't the right length!" Mrs. Snitchmin said, frowning at Celia.
"Yes, Ma'am. I got my hair trimmed, Mrs. Snitchmin." Celia replied. Gail noticed the principle, Mrs. Numan, standing on the side walk watching all the buses. Checking to make sure that she was hidden behind Celia, Gail looked straight at Mrs. Numan, and waved her arms furiously back and forth. After a few minutes, Mrs. Numan noticed Gail, and Gail pointed at the bus, and mouthed "help!" Mrs. Numan hurried over, and past Gail.
"Is there something wrong here, Mrs. Snitchmin?" asked Mrs. Numan.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A story idea that I've been playing with for a few years.

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Fitzgerald's picture

This is really great. It's an

This is really great. It's an awesome story idea!

thisisme789's picture

Thanks! I've been playing

Thanks! I've been playing around with the idea for a few years.
