
You don’t have to touch the stars

Just show me that you can reach.

The achiever believer mentality

It’s not something I can teach.

Starving for success,

Grinning through hunger pains

Head held high through worry, anger ,shame.

The mind of a giant, body man

Wading through seas of doubts and “ you can’t”s

Eyes turned upward, smile turned down

Others rejoicing in that frown

Don’t give them the pleasure of watching you cry

Though the trials of life want to run from your eyes.

My hand is in yours, gripped tight knuckles white

It may not be good but it’ll be alright

Through dark nights and bad fights,

through angry words

and “I love you”s thought but remaining unheard

Yet you stand, I stand, we stand treasured

Letting no one tell us our worth or measure

Don’t hold back, don’t stop, don’t fear your glow

And no that in time you can, I can, we will show

The spark, the fire, the passion burning

While we’re flying, falling, living, learning.

Show the world a flame impossible to ignore

Until the doubt, dread and darkness rule no more

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  positive and energizing


positive and energizing