Thinking of You...

I can't help but envision your hands on my thighs
You gripping my waist as I stare in your eyes.


I imagine your kiss, the feel and your taste.
Just picturing you makes my heart start to race.


I want you to rhyme to the beat of my heart.

Spit fire through my veins, the fires you start.



Hold me tight, whisper love to my soul.
Please never leave, keep my heart whole



I'll sing to your heart, a melody for you
I'll draw up every note of my love so true



Crush me gently, hurt me sweet.
I'll keep thinking and dreaming till again we meet.



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a.griffiths57's picture

    What a lovely poem almost



What a lovely poem almost like a song. Your rhyming is very good and the poem is well written and makes for a good read. I enjoyed your poem, all about your love.