Soul Song

If words could express the depth of my heart

I would write you a million songs

I would let my soul sing through every sting

Of the guilt I’ve felt for so long.

This tune is melancholy, so full of folly

But my feet would move yet in still

My soul dancing to macabre harmonies.

Held by a force of sheer will.

I’d bask in the dark cold beating of the drums

Marching ever towards pain.

Though your eyes once held love, and hands fit like a glove

I now feel nothing but your disdain.

My essence cries out in heart wrenching shouts

Trying to bade you return.

Making sure you know, and my life can show

That all my lessons I’ve learned.

But I fear today, as you drift farther away

My melody falls on a deaf heart

Nevermore to be swayed, or persuaded to stay.

As the damage has left its mark.

Should you continue to go, past my do re mi do’s

I’ll stand aside for sure.

Never again would you see my melodic agony


The score will be shelved, heard no more.

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a.griffiths57's picture

Soul Song:



What longing and pleading how very romantic, but heart breaking. You have a melodic way with words I enjoyed your poem/love song very much. Almost hauntingly this poem elevates the reader.

TheShadowKnows's picture

Your quite good... EXCELLENT

Your quite good... EXCELLENT flow :)