the world is nine


winds upon a mountain,

the challenge laid down by nature

to man, the king of technology,

with plans for everything.

and ways to change anything

but himself?

she's sitting down with Gaea

laughing quietly to themselves.


perfection of war and currency

this intellectual duplicity,

means nothing if there is nothing to

enjoy our lives with.

no romantic walks along the sea shore

or candle lit dinners by a

starry midnight.

a void where bastard children play

with A.K 47's.

we were so sad and sorry about Hiroshima

but, what about the pollution bomb?

"lets get rich!

(the mantra of the day),

I bet I can kill this planet

in every single way."


walk the footpaths of a newly discovered city.

no purpose or direction, no cause

and effect.

a confession drummed by the beat of my feet

is all I really need

to remind me just, how human we are.

four wheel icons of, working the nine till five,

(a waste of good quality living time I believe),

highlights that traditional


as old as time, as blind as thine;

the Ferrari's against the second hand Lada's.

Vermin with photo driver licences

with paws gripped to the wheel and

steely looks in their eyes,

scurry all around me

in a race, with no rules.

I prefer to walk.


shallow waters, cool, fresh,

liquid silk. oh to begin again.

under the depths with all the mysteries


with Tangaroa.

I want to drown the world

drink its flesh.

leave it alone, the sea

a safety net for our devastation's

on land.


is there such a word

as peace?

civil unrest rewrites dictionaries,

foreign languages,

children learn with zest.

lets repeat those old mistakes

and make it worse for those, whose innocent eyes

have not opened yet.


I spy, you lie,

we all die

for the sake of population.

I've given up on

professional policy makers

who run countries into dirt,

it is time.

time to wake up to ourselves

realisation is the strongest drug;

we're a cog in a machine

that has never been repaired.

just left in the corner of a room that,

was once the pride of a corporate empire

but now on the redundant list.


gather round kindred, I've got

a new game to play.

it is called 'playing god'.

fun wouldn't you say?

kind of like monopoly but

instead of buying streets

your genes are bought and sold for

perfection guaranteed.

how do you play? simple.

first take all the rules

and burn them

(they're over-rated anyway,)

then offer up your soul to science

(you didn't need it anyway.)

that's it, now you're ready to pay-

oops! I meant now you're ready to play.

he or she with

one million versions

of what he or she

should be, wins.

(if mother nature can do it, why can't we?)

and I submit, she didn't use

test tubes

and didn’t need government funding.

but we're just trying to prove

the point:

man can change anything.


you cannot contain me,

trap me,

hold me.

I'm invisible yet, you know

I am there,

I have wandered this Earth before

you were a sparkle in, Adam and Eve's eyes,

and you will never change me.

I watched you

hurt my mother, kept her held tightly

with power poles, railway lines,



but she is

still in control, you know this

when she convulses, crying burning tears.

I saw you

take each one of my brothers,

rape them like harlots

for natural resources, well,

they will have the last laugh on you.

for instance…

if you steal all the children of one of my brothers garden,

he will take your oxygen away

from you.

warm the world, melt the cold lands

and my other brother

will drown all of you.

and the people that Mars

did not slay

in his thirst

would have carbon copies

times ten,


I wonder if there will be enough

land above water?

well human,

where will your money and guns

get you then?

human intuition.

humanly divine.

humanly human.

humanly blind.


you cannot contain me

trap me

hold me

but most importantly

you cannot change me,

I am Tawhiri Matea;

the wind.


she is standing now with Gaea,

their backs are turned on


Author's Notes/Comments: 

written in one day while walking around wellington. i began at the top of mount victoria where the wind was blowing up a storm. i had a desire earlier on in the week about writing a poem about what we humans are doing to the world, but couldn't get up and started. but being ontop of the mountain, with the wind and the view, it just hit me like a shotgun blast to the head, and this is what i ended up with

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