HP doesn’t share the dream

I needed to order new ink cartridges for my HP printer. I've done it before. No big deal, right? I was about to ok the purchase when this thought crossed my mind. Would Martin Luther King Jr approve? He must have been on my mind since yesterday was the anniversary of his assassination.


I concluded that no, Martin Luther King Jr would not approve the purchase of an ink cartridge from HP. If he were alive today he might be organizing a boycott of not only HP, but any company that sells printer cartridges. Why?


Because the black ink cartridge is segregated from the color ink cartridge! Dr King had a dream. That black would join hands with white, brown, red, etc in the spirit of brotherhood and love! How is that ever gonna happen if these ink cartridges are kept separated? Separated because of the color of their ink! Don't deny it.


Should the NAACP be notified? Probably. Though they're not the only organization. Does anyone have contact info for the NAACPC? I believe the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Printer Cartridges should be aware of this. Keep the dream alive!


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