Is Santos Dependable? He is now

Headline in the N.Y. Times:

'George Santos Says He Is Done With the G.O.P. (The Feeling Is Mutual.)'


I believe the Times is misconstruing this story. Here's what's really going on:


George Santos is angry that the Republican-controlled House booted him out. He announces he'll be running as an independent, not under the GOP banner.


In other words, he's pissed at the G.O.P. Wants to run as an independent.

What? No GOP anymore? Not running anymore under where? Their banner?

Not exactly.

Of course he's pissed. The question isn't who he's pissed at, the important question is where's he pissed? And what does he intend to do about it?


The headline (corrected):

Santos: No GO P anymore in underwear. He's independent. Wears Depends! 


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