Follicle chronicle

Have you seen my hair?

One minute it was hare

Now it's nowhere

Is it on a train

Or on a plane

Or maybe it

Went down the drain

I can't complain

I have my health

A little wealth

Can't you tellth


I miss my hair

Once it was there

Now I don't no where

But do I care

I'm carefree

Or should I say


It's not free

There's a cost

Of hair when lost


I want to cry

Those times

When I.......

It's just not fair

I miss my hair



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Apologies to Dr Seuss

I'm really sorry Doctor



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Dr. Suess

A big fan, am I. Always enjoy a funny rhyme. 


Sorry about your hair. Seems men lose hair and women start growing them where they don't belong. Like on our chins. 

© Sootyash All rights reserved.

Teytonon's picture

Reply to you

I'll tell the truth

I'm not that bald

If truth be tald

Teytonon's picture

Reply to you

You’re right. Less hair on top,more everywhere else. Haha.TGIF to you.

A friend told me 

just wear a hat 

why didnt I 

Think of that