OC dokey

What’s going on with Fox & AOC

I’d like to really know see

It sounds like its war

Fox News hates her more 

Even more than Nancy Pelosi 


I’ve heard it It’s the buzz

They hate everything she does 

And because she’s not fat

Can’t fault her for that 

They criticize all that she was 


Fox seems to be scared of AOC

That’s something that‘s not hard to know see

Not mysterious like Edgar Allan Poe Gee

Now I feel the need to get up and go pee


Their dismay is not to be missed

They call her a socialist

But we all are knowing

Her popularity’s growing 

That’s the real reason they’re pissed 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hello you all in cyberspace land What I say you mght understand In the third verse I originally posted "OAC" Then I noticed It drove me crazy So I changed it to AOC which is how it should be Shown correctly What is it about me? Must be OCD I need some help Should I get on Yelp? I really should I heard it's a nice place In cyberspace.


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Figuring they don't like her color, beauty or age. They probably don't really like that she's female either. 


© Ground

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Happy Thursday TGIT. I added something. Hope you like it.