Lost Shade

Where liveth the dream
that would weave a shade?

Would it be found where I come from?
Where the world is crumbling and aloud
We proclaim:
"Things will be well and fine"
Where truth is bleak as a bee
And justice has no freedom?

Would it be found in the young eyes that ask,
"What lessons shall be mine?"
Would the black skin that
knows no cream initiate it?

Does it live in the minds that
sing like the caged birds?
Does it dwell in the hearts that
Know the feel of naked love?

Will it be found amongst the
dreams that dwell in graves?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I would appreciate your sincere comments. I do acknowlegde the fact that honest criticisms add value to not only the piece but also the write. So, I welcome all analytical criticisms.

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Interesting vocabulary in this poem - I like question poems ~Lady A~