Onward Mindless Soldiers

With the use of shield and sword, man has spent their energies locked

in combat for countless centuries

Hands soiled with sweat and sin in search for the next brutal conquest

The clash of man's allegiance can be felt across the nations,

Just as a firery bolt casted from the heavens would annouce the wrath

of the gods to scorch the earth down below


We have been told of noble lords & kingships who would lead the charge

within paces of their fellow devoted-in-arms

The color of cowardice is a red bolder & brighter than the blood

spilled on the fields of the fallen,

Which is plastered on those who strategize with the lives of our daughters & sons at no risk toward themselves,

nor their brethren

Standing, watching as they are thrown into rival sharpened axes and


Standing, watching as they are layed to waste by rival warheads and napalm heat

Only the devil himself dines on the souls of others, to feed his false

appearance of dominance

Standing, laughing amongst the raging tears of tragic loss


There have been empires paved of gold & gluttony that have crumbled at

the hands of the true and the virtueous

Heroic deeds equally matched by a tyrant's decree to smite, to enslave

the feeble opposition

It seems only now that passing the lineage of solemn dedication can only assure your

place on this laughable joke of a chessboard overcrowded with dispensable pawns

While man's ongoing thirst for conflict will stay as an unfortunate permanace throughtout the generations

As it proves, yet again, to be a carnivorous appietite set to feed apon our centuries past and our centuries yet to come

Author's Notes/Comments: 

There were two intervals that inspired this, namely the never-ending & costly war in the Middle East, and watching "300" for the third time didn't help things either...

It turns my stomach whenever there's an announcement make by our nation's "chief-in-command", adamantly stating that there will be more funds and more personel pumped into this horrible situation we have gotten ourselves into. It is foregin hostile territory, its a holy civil war that has been waged amongst their society since like, FOREVER, and we need to get every last one of our men & women outta that hell-hole!
Makes me wonder what is cooking in ole Dubya's noggin...

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Sharon Wunsch's picture

Great poem. I love the title and also your reference to red. I used to like to wear red. I even had a red Firebird once. Now, I'm practically redless. Seeing Mr. Prez makes me want to smash my TV.