The Outside Toilet.

Rough stone built, and walls washed white.

Inside, a naturalists delight.

With beetles, bugs and 'cheesy bobs',

And spiders creeping from the cracks.


A daytime visit was all right

As missing tiles let in the light.

A night time trip required a torch,

And a brolly when it rained.


The door it wasn't big enough

The top and bottom didn't meet.

So there you'd sit, with brolly raised

While rivers' washed around your feet.


A visit there was never dull,

You never knew what lay in wait.

You'd slowly peep around the door

To see what crept across the floor.


The outside loo, it's time is done,

And all is clean and sterile.

It may be dry, bug free and bright,

But it's nowhere near the fun.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

My family and I lived in an ancient farm cottage, years ago. It had this equally old loo which was an absolute adventure to visit, you never knew what would fall in your lap, or down the back of your neck! It was rented and we wern't allowed to do anything to it.  A 'cheesy bob' is a woodlouse.

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allets's picture

The woodlouse in the outdoor

The woodlouse in the outdoor loo. Fabulous - Fun? Spiders? Umbrella? Wow, you have great memories - thanks for sharing - perfect for All Hallow's Eve's approach - Happy Halloween! ~Lady A~



sweetwater's picture

If you only knew it all !

If you only knew it all ! lol. happy Halloween to you too.  :-) X