The Evergreen.

Where bare of bough

shall call the view

set forth the leaves

all death eschew.

To find the eye

in brightness glows

to tremor hence

where late wind blows.

Forego the autumn's

vengeful spleen,

to stand in pride

of second spring

and to the heart

a blessing bring

with emerald sheen,

the evergreen.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just looking from my window, and where the trees had lost all their leaves I could see the new leaves of the evergreen trees and   shoots of the young ivy a sparkling emerald green, a second spring almost.

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KindredSpirit's picture

The Evergreen Lives

Up to it's name ( if healthy ).

What a Welcome sight 

In the dead of Winter.


Not Native to my exact location.

The roots in soil

Breed the Hardwood Nation.

Maybe more


Later Sue

You got me going

A little bit

sweetwater's picture

Thank you Kindred Spirit, I

Thank you Kindred Spirit, I am lucky I have many different types close to my home, and they are really welcome in the dark of winter. :-))  Sue.

allets's picture

I Had Seeds Sprout

in October 2015, very warm after clearing out the flower bed. I harvested the "Dusty Miller" and brought them inside - so far, so good. Nice rhymes, dreamy green - yr poempal - Stella



sweetwater's picture

Thank you, I have not heard

Thank you, I have not heard of 'dusty miller' plants they sound interesting. It's been pretty warm here too fortunately. :-) Sue xx

allets's picture

The Joy Of Live

A copy available on Ebay for $12.00 - if you have not replaced your much read volume. - slc



sweetwater's picture

Thank you, but I found a copy

Thank you, but I found a copy earlier this year, there is a marvellous publishers who specialise in old, out of date, or rare books and they are brilliant, I have used them before. I am so pleased I found the replacement copy as my dad's one is very delicate now. Sue xx