An Eerie Parallel

Here is an eerie parallel from twentieth century history:

a political candidate committed a crime in flagrant disregard of the Law, because he believed that he himself, and is cause, were above the law.  He was charged, convicted, sentenced and incarcerated.

Somehow---and this can only be explained by the twisted values toward which gullible human beings can be manipulated---this political candidate, despite now being a convicted felon, became more popular, and in several years was brought to the pinnacle of power.  Although he lost a presidential election, which he and his party believed had been stolen from them by rival political factions, his part obtained sufficient seats in the legislature that he was offered the chancellorship (head of government under the administration of the President, who was head of state).  In several years, he was able to convinve both the legislature and the ailing President to suspend constitutional protections and processes for a rule by decree from the Chancellory.

Yes, this was Adolf Hitler.

And on the eve of the tomrrow's arraignment, I think this is both an eerie and a very instructive parallel.


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lyrycsyntyme's picture

Interesting, but Adolph

Interesting, but Adolph Hitler was an aggressive statist who believed in empire by all means, and "protecting" and "furthering" a very, very specific gene pool. I wouldn't apply either of these things to the reality t/v host turned president. But, even if so, our system doesn't allow for it, unless it's the desire of those already in positions of power: the country has long fallen into control of corporate power and agencies that function in secrecy, which presidents themselves probably don't even know the half of.


If the powers that be would like the country to be run in that manner, it won't matter whether it's Trump or not - they'll find someone else to do the job. One could argue that the German state had fallen under similar control, and I wouldn't even doubt it, but that corporate power wanted mass experimentation and resource requirement to rapidly advance technology (which they got by supporting Hitler). It doesn't seem like Trump is needed for that in our current world, looking at how technology has run amuck with and without him in office.

S74rw4rd's picture

With the utmost disrespect, I

With the utmost disrespect, I must disagree that the causes that motivated Hitler invalidate the parallel to the Innkeeper 45's next attempt for a power grab.  The process, I still believe, is exactly the same, and I fear that the results will be the same as well.  But thanks for commenting.
