One Night of Fun

Tears flooded down my paled face

I sit alone in this empty space

I met him just the other day

I never thought I would have to pay

For the words I'd never say

It happened all in one night

He forced me down and cut the light

I tried and tried with all my might

But I couldn't break his evil hold

So now I lye here in the cold

He wasn't like I thought he'd be

And who he was I didn't see

I close my eyes and try to think

What was I going to do?

And who could I possibly tell this to?

My life was shattered just in one night

My hopes and dreams ripped from sight

My body in so much pain

I cried and cried but no one came

He beat me up and left me there

I was left with no ones care

Blood trickled down my head

What I wouldn't give to be home in bed

All I wanted was just one night of fun

Who would have thought I'd be raped by someone's son

I never thought it would happen to me

And now my teenage sole will never be free

You may not think that this could be

But you see it DID happen to me

So listen to your inner voice

Cause if you don't you may make the wrong choice

I failed to listen

I failed to see

That the ugliest thing could have happened to me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was based on a DREAM that I have every so ofter  it's very realistic... even thought it never actually happened to me, I feel as thouhg it did for this dream is so realistic, i feel the pain and the blood and confusion. Each time the DREAM becomes more and more realistic and the girl in the dream i see is me. BUT IT IS A DREAM IT DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN TO ME

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Hidden Illusion's picture

Hey there,

Interesting poem. It's funny how sometimes our dream seems so real. Well anywayz, I used to have nightmares like that for days...bout someone wanting to rape me. Anyway once, when I dreamt of it again, I tried to make out who it was and I realized it was a guy from my school...and I didnt even know his name! But anyway, I bought a book of dreams (lol, it's silly i know..but hey, I was desperate to find out what was wrong with me) and I read that if you dream of someone whom you know, is raping you, then it means that this guy's got strong hidden feelings for you or it's the otehr way around. Well, anywayz I ignored that thing I read and then after a few weeks, this guy asked me out and we were together for 2 years. Guess who he was? Well, he was the guy who was trying to rape me in my dreams! honest! This is no lie! Maybe it was just a coincidence but I'm so glad I met him. After all that I started having sweet dreams about him lol. f you ever have time, come visit my site and read my poem called, "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE". That's one of the good poems about him lol. ANywayz, good luck girl!

~ Hidden Illusion ~

Matt Ward's picture

wow,see, unlike everyone else, I didn't see the part about it being a dream. man I'm dumb, haha. I don't know how after telling you what happened to me tonight ended in reading this poem (which is very good by the way), but I guess when I think about it, it ended on a good note! I think you should change the name of this poem to "matts happy ending". wait, don't. ppl might get the wrong impression. haha. anyway, I'm very impressed, and I normally hate other ppls poems. cause I'm dumb.

Jessica Amy LeBlanc's picture

what a horrible thing to dream about Robin.. You certainly make it seem like it was real. I like your poems Ive read so far. Just glad this didn't happen to you or anyone else we know... Jess aka Blue Eyed Angel

Marina Olevsky's picture

dang girl, this poem rox, keep on writing! thanx for putting the end note in there, u had me sorta worried... lol awesome poem, way to go

High Girl's picture

Thank god its only a dream

Reco Humphrey's picture

damn you are a bomb ass writer (that means very good) this poem is very heart wrenching and vivid it's like your words are painting a picture that many hate to even talk about.

Star Fox (You know who I am)'s picture

WHOH!MAN!! I remember you telling me about that dream but I never thought the dream was so real! Im sure you captured the essence of how soooo many people (females arent the only ones to get raped to you know) feel and Im sure with the poem other people will finally feel thier pain and then they can start healing. Now you know what my mind is like so as you can guess I experienced that story as realisticly as you, acheing body and all,matter of fact i can almost feel blood trickeling down the back of my neck and my wrists hurt. I just hope you didnt go through it everytime you dreamt it.

Someday Soon's picture

Oh dear lord robin...give someone a heart attack...jeez..until I read the thing on the bottom...I like ferocity in this one...I guess there are alot of lessons that get learned the wrong way...Luv Ya lots Jenn aka Someday_soon

Cat Deale's picture

u scared me when it said u were raped! im glad it didnt actually happen, thats such an awful thing this is my favorite so far, im almost done reading all your poems ~^^~