Not a Poem but Poetic


Science has now discovered that word sounds and language, create Toroidal Fields & Scalar Waves that interact with the energetic fabric of the universe.


Thus, our very thoughts and words and intentions, instantly permeate all levels of Creation. And by so doing, we become a catalyst of Co-Creation.


Reminds me of the book of Genesis, where it says that creation itself, was formed out of words.


Granted God’s words are more powerful than ours, but the principle is there.


It’s truly mind-blowing.


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S74rw4rd's picture

I like your perspective quite

I like your perspective quite a bit.  Genesis, John's Gospel and the anonymous Epistle to the Hebrews all declare that the Cosmos was created by the Word of God.  


Spinoza's picture

we’ve only begun to scratch the surface


Makes you wonder how little we really know, about the fundamental principles of universe. It seems we’ve only begun to scratch the surface of understanding. And I don’t think we’ll ever fully know the whole of it.

S74rw4rd's picture

I applaud the brilliance of

I applaud the brilliance of your theology.


Spinoza's picture

Merci beaucoup

Merci beaucoup