Falling For You

I've seen you around school.
I'm avoiding your eyes,
I'm trying to play it cool.
I know the truth.
I'm falling for you.
I saw you on the Friday before Halloween.
When you looked my way,
I had to turn away.
Cause' you caught me looking at you.
My friends and I walked past you.
I wonder if you were looking at me.
I see so much of your in me.
I've always had this thing for you.
I  smile every time I look at you.
I long to talk to you.
But I don't want to look the fool.
My friends did a random thing.
They introduced you to me.
Seeing you, made my heart sing.
It was unreal when you were talking to me.
I couldn't think of what to say.
Cause' we had a full audience that day.
I asked what kind of music you liked.
You told me you liked Manson, Siouxsie, and The Cure.
I wish our first conversation could've lasted longer.
I'd really like to get to know you.
Cause' I'm really interested in you.
I've never met anyone as weird as me.
I hope you want to take a chance on me.
I saw you the other day,
you were biking home from school.
I wanted to yell something to you.
But I was stupidly keeping my cool.
I had my chance and wasted it.
Lately I've been feeling like such a fool.
I'm a fool falling for you.
You seemed like a nice guy.
I'm hoping with all my heart that you are.
I can't forget your smiling face.
Or how cute you are in your black eyeliner.
I dream about us kissing to The Cure.
A dream that I hope turns into reality,
instead of some subconscious blur.
I'm falling for you.
But I don't even know why for.
I have to remind myself to look before I leap.
But for you i'll jump over a gorge over a thousand feet deep.
I just want a chance.
A chance for punk-goth-queer-rommance.
Here I am sitting pretty.
Thinking about you and me.
Thinking if it could be a possibility.
Oh how it wish it could be.
I'm going to open myself to you.
Hopefully you'll like what you see,
Both spiritually and physically.
Let me be your lil' porcelain Goth boy.
And i'll let you be my adorable punker.
I'm going insane.
I only know your music and your name.
I want to know about everything you are.
Your  the most wonderfully strange by far.
I'd be a dream if we became together as one.
A welcome change from being alone as two.
I'm already falling for you.
I'll tone down my cool.
To get to know you.
So our dream can come true.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

*about the cute punker i have a crush on* :)

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